Financial Aid at Great Bay

Below you will find financial aid information, policies, resources, and FAQs.

Financial Aid FAQs

  • Financial Aid comes in three forms, and students may receive any or all these forms of aid:

    • Grants, which do not have to be repaid
    • Loans, which must be repaid
    • Work Study, part-time jobs from which a student earns an hourly wage


      Visit – Loan Repayment  for information on loan repayment.

Important Policies and Disclaimers

The Financial Aid Office at Great Bay Community College is on the first floor of the Portsmouth campus in The Welcome Center

Office hours:

Monday to Friday
8:00AM to 4:00PM

Mailing address:

Financial Aid Office
Great Bay Community College
320 Corporate Drive
Portsmouth NH 03801


Phone: (603) 427-7600 Ext. 7501
Fax: (603) 334-6308


of students receive financial aid